What is the difference between open cell and polyurethane closed cell spray foam?

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Learn what the difference is between open cell and polyurethane closed cell spray foam products

The spray foam industry as a whole can be slightly confusing as the word spray foam does not mean there is only one product. You may come across misleading information with regards to open cell and closed cell products through numerous sites across the internet. Please remember that a lot of what you may have already read on the internet is based on wrong information and using the wrong product for the wrong application. Our guide to understanding the difference between open cell and polyurethane closed cell spray foam is here to help stamp out any misconceptions for the product which you have may have already chosen for your home (open cell) or may be considering for your home and to make it clear that the open insulation system is the correct insulation to be installed in residential applications. Spray foam insulations are generally split into two categories, open cell and closed cell, as you would expect Warmer Solutions produces very high-quality products of both, and both work exceptionally well in the right application.

Open Cell Spray Foam

Open Cell Spray Foam is the correct insulation to be installed in residential homes and properties.

Warmer Solutions LTD install the most popular open cell spray foam, this product has been in production for over 30 years here in the UK.

Open cell foam is a very light flexible insulation which strongly adheres without the use of glues to the surface it is applied to. It is sprayed or injected in its liquid form which expands up to 100 times its liquid volume, this results in an insulation which will seal every nook and cranny, completely eliminating air infiltration to every area it is applied. This means that when applied to any surface it allows any moisture present to dry out through evaporation. This is important as timber and masonry surfaces need to breathe moisture vapour to ensure that no damp or rot problems are caused.

Open cell spray insulation acts as an air barrier while still being moisture breathable, this works through the same principle as a Gore-Tex jacket which keeps the wind out while letting your body breathe and not sweat. Open cell foam carries, amongst others, KIWA BDA accreditation which means that it is acceptable for new and old domestic homes within the UK plus is a LABC (Local Authority building control) approved product.

Closed Cell Spray Foam

Closed cell foams are used when moisture breathability is not a requirement and are best suited to industrial applications.

Warmer Solutions leading closed cell foam is LF-305 Synthesia. These insulations are usually used in industrial steel framed/sheeted buildings. This product achieves a very low U-Value and is very rigid. It is usually applied in thinner layers (50-100mm) and will withstand a light wash down. Closed cell products should not be used within a residential application as it does not allow the timbers to breathe.

Should I choose Open Cell or Closed Cell Spray Foam?

If you are considering having spray foam installed in your residential property the you should choose Open Cell Spray Foam as the open cell insulations are the best suited domestic applications, whereas closed cell foams are best suited to industrial applications.

We hope this article on Open Cell and Closed Cell Spray Foam has helped explain the differences between the basic products, we are always happy to discuss any further questions you may have around using Spray Foam in insulate your home and reduce your energy bills.

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